How to Collect Imperial Japanese Army Infantry Equipment (Beginner)

I’d like to explain how to collect the basic infantry equipment for an Imperial Japanese Army soldier. Trying to assemble a complete uniform from the start can be quite challenging. Therefore, I’ll provide guidance on what to collect, prioritizing items, over several installments.

BeginnerCollecting a military uniform.
IntermediateCollecting official military-issued gears.
AdvancedCollecting full kit

In this beginner’s guide, our goal is to make you look like a Japanese soldier. By mastering the equipment in this article, you can confidently participate in regular airsoft games, especially those with a loosely regulated World War II theme. The veterans on the field will likely welcome you warmly and consider you one of their own.

Type 98 Summer Tunic

For the Type 98 Summer Tunic (Kyūhachi-shiki Natsu-i/九八式夏衣), I recommend that beginners start with a replica. I would suggest checking out Nakata Shōten for a great replica, and HIKISHOP is a good option as well. For those living outside Japan, HIKISHOP is likely the most reliable choice.

If you have the opportunity to visit Nakata Shōten in Tokyo’s Ameyoko district in person, it’s a good idea to try on the tunic and make your purchase. They might not have it on display, so don’t hesitate to ask one of the store’s staff members.

I have written an article discussing the details of the Type 98 Summer Tunic.

Type 98 Summer Trousers

From a practical standpoint, it’s better to go with a replica for the Type 98 Summer Trousers (Kyūhachi-shiki Natsu-ko/九八式夏袴). This is because, especially when engaging in field combat like airsoft, knees can tear, making them consumable items. I recommend looking at items from Nakata Shōten, although I must admit that I do not have Nakata Shōten’s summer trousers myself. The next choice, taking fabric color into consideration, could be S&Graf. Of course, HIKISHOP works as well for both the summer tunic and summer trousers.

You can occasionally come across authentic Type 98 Summer Trousers on Yahoo! Japan Auctions, but it seems more common to find listings for the Type 98 Summer Tunic alone. Authentic Type 98 Summer Trousers can be considered quite rare. I bought an M-sized Summer Trousers from HIKISHOP, but it feels significantly smaller compared to others. I’ve washed it several times, so I can’t recall how much it might have shrunk. Even with my height of 168 cm, HIKISHOP’s M size seems quite small, so please be mindful of the size when making a purchase.

Tropics 2/3 Sleeves Shirt

The Tropics 2/3 Sleeves Shirt (Bōsho-juban/防暑襦袢) is a short-sleeved garment that was used in the South Pacific theater and other hot regions. When wearing a military uniform in the height of summer, the Type 98 Summer Tunic can lead to heatstroke, so having a Tropics 2/3 Sleeves Shirt on hand is advisable.

These are available at Nakata Shōten, HIKISHOP, and S&Graf, but if you’re looking for quality, I recommend the ones made by Nori.

Field Cap

The Field Cap (Ryaku-bō/略帽) is essential for achieving the distinct Japanese soldier style. If possible, consider getting a cap flap (bōtare-nuno/帽垂布) as well. These can be found at Nakata Shōten, HIKISHOP, and S&Graf, but personally, I recommend those made by Furutaka-ya and Nori.

Field Wool Leggings

Replica of the Field Wool Leggings (Maki-kyahan/巻脚絆) can be found at shop like Nakata Shōten, HIKISHOP, and authentic ones are often available on Yahoo! Japan Auctions. Since there’s a good supply, their prices aren’t excessively high compared to other equipment. However, be cautious when buying from unidentified sellers on , as there’s a risk of mistaking replicas for authentic items. I have authentic Type 3 Summer Trousers, not Type 98. The Type 3 and Type 98 Trousers look almost identical in appearance. When looking at the actual trousers, I noticed they have quite a loose waist and feel baggy around the buttocks, but they become narrower towards the ankles. S&Graf’s reproduction captures the bagginess around the buttocks well but isn’t as straight and narrow towards the ankles. However, this difference can be concealed when wearing Field Wool Leggings.

Leather Equipment Strap

The Leather Equipment (Heiyō-taikaku/兵用帯革)” is a belt worn around the waist. While you might delay acquiring items like ammunition pouches or bayonets, don’t overlook the belt. Not having a belt can make you look like a surrendering prisoner of war, so be sure to have one. (Soldiers often removed their belts along with other equipment when surrendering.)

Replicas are available for purchase from HIKISHOP and S&Graf. Authentic ones typically have 12 holes, so if there aren’t enough, you can get a leather punch to add the necessary holes.

Tabi Socks

When it comes to starting with the attire of a Japanese soldier, I believe that beginners may find it most challenging to obtain the footwear, particularly the Type 5 Lace Up Shoes (Shogo-shiki Henjoka/昭五式編上靴).

These Lace Up Shoes are relatively scarce in terms of replicas, and their prices tend to be high. This is where I would like to recommend the Tabi Socks. The Tabi Socks were favored for their quietness in footfalls, making them ideal for night raids and similar situations. These socks were often strapped to the backpack and changed as needed.

The Tabi Socks that soldiers used are typically black and have black soles. They come in different styles, and it’s recommended to choose ones with three clasps that reach up to the ankle. The Tabi Socks can have either a divided big toe or a non-divided toe, and both variations were used by Japanese soldiers.

Bread Bag

If you’re looking for the uniform of Japanese soldiers during the Greater East Asia War, having the Showa 15 Model Bread Bag (Zatsu-no/雑嚢) would be a good choice. This haversack can be used throughout the entire period without looking out of place.

Replicas are available for purchase at HIKISHOP and S&Graf, but in terms of quality, I would recommend the ones made by Nori. Since there are still many authentic Bread Bags from the Greater East Asia War period available, it’s a good idea to look for them on Yahoo! Japan Auctions. I personally own two authentic Bread Bags, one from the Showa 15 era and the other a late-war model, and I use them regularly.


EquipmentHow to GetPrice
Type 98 Summer TunicNakata Shōten, HIKISHOP, Yahoo! Japan Auctions (Authentic)10,000 Yen
Type 98 Summer TrousersNakata Shōten, HIKISHOP, Yahoo! Japan Auctions (Authentic)10,000 Yen
Tropics 2/3 Sleeves ShirtNakata Shōten, HIKISHOP, S&Graf、Nori8,000~14,000 Yen
Field CapNakata Shōten, HIKISHOP, S&Graf, Furutaka-ya, Nori5,000~10,000 Yen
Field Wool LeggingsNakata Shōten, HIKISHOP, Yahoo! Japan Auctions (Authentic)3,000 Yen
Wool LeggingsHIKISHOP, S&Graf3,000~4,000 Yen
Tabi SocksAmazon2,000~3,000Yen
SummerHIKISHOP, S&Graf, Nori, Yahoo! Japan Auctions (Authentic)3,000~7,000 Yen
Total44,000~61,000 Yen
Prices as of October 2023 (converted at a rate of 150 yen per dollar).