“Soshu” (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Company’) establishes the following terms of use and disclaimers (hereinafter collectively referred to as ‘these Terms’) between the users (hereinafter referred to as ‘Users’) of Soshu Workshop (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Blog’) provided by the Company.

Users are required to agree to these Terms when using the Blog. The Company will consider that Users have agreed to these Terms when they use the Blog.


  1. Users are responsible for accessing the Blog at their own expense and responsibility.
  2. The Company shall not be held liable for any damages caused by viruses or other electronic files contained in the Company’s operated websites, including the provision of the Blog and the transmission route, except in cases where the Company can be proven to be at fault.
  3. Users are obligated to compensate for any damages caused to other Users or third parties at their own expense and responsibility when using the Blog and to exempt the Company from any liability.
  4. Users are obligated to compensate for any damages caused to the Company at their own expense and responsibility when using the Blog.
  5. The Company reserves the right to delete all or part of the articles posted by the Company at its discretion.
  6. The Company uses the Internet to provide the Blog. Therefore, Users must comply with the rules, policies, and procedures commonly observed on the Internet, in addition to these Terms.
  7. Users must not use the Blog for spamming or any other activities intended to cause annoyance to others.

No Warranty

  1. The Company makes no warranties whatsoever regarding the following:
    1. That the content of the Blog meets the User’s requirements.
    2. That the Blog information provided by the Company in the Blog is accurate or appropriate.
    3. That the Blog will not be interrupted.
    4. That the information posted on the Blog is up-to-date.
    5. That no errors will occur on the Blog.
    6. That the information published on the Blog is useful, accurate, or reliable.
    7. That the User’s actions taken using the Blog will meet the User’s specific purposes.
  2. The Company does not provide any operational guarantees for any devices, software, or other equipment used by Users in connection with the Blog. Furthermore, the Company shall not be responsible for any damages incurred by the User’s devices, software, data, or any other loss or damage arising from or in connection with the use of the Blog. Users are responsible for resolving such issues at their own discretion.

Prohibited Actions

Users must not engage in, or potentially engage in, the following activities when using the Blog:

  1. Actions contrary to public order and morals
    Actions contrary to public order and morals include but are not limited to the following:
    1. Posting explicit, violent, or grotesque images or expressions.
    2. Posting expressions that glorify, induce, or encourage the use of illegal drugs or information related to illegal drugs.
    3. Posting information that directs users to sites containing the above expressions, dating sites aimed at lascivious behavior, or sites with age restrictions (including simply posting links).
    4. Any other expressions that may be deemed to be contrary to public order and morals or potentially so in common social understanding.
  2. Actions that promote or imply criminal activities
    In particular, copyright infringement can lead to both prosecutable and non-prosecutable offenses. Please refrain from copying the content of the Blog beyond the general scope of quotation.
  3. Actions that infringe upon the intellectual property (including but not limited to copyrights, design rights, patents, utility model rights, trademark rights, and know-how) of the Company, other users, or third parties.
  4. Actions that infringe upon the property, credit, reputation, or privacy of the Company, other users, or third parties.
  5. Actions contrary to laws or actions that encourage unlawful acts.
  6. Actions that harm the interests of the Company, other users, or third parties.
  7. Actions that engage in defamation, threats, or harassment against the Company, other users, or third parties.
  8. Actions that induce or encourage suicide, self-harm, abuse, or the like.
  9. Actions that falsely claim to be a legal entity other than oneself, or falsely claim to be in an alliance or cooperative relationship with such a legal entity despite having no such relationship.
  10. Actions that violate the Public Offices Election Act.
  11. Actions that use the Blog solely for advertising one’s own or third-party businesses.
  12. Actions that use or provide harmful programs such as computer viruses through or in connection with the Blog.
  13. Actions that are deemed to have a detrimental influence on minors.
  14. Actions that post information, including personal information (such as email addresses, phone numbers, license plate numbers, financial institution account numbers, and addresses) without the consent of the individuals concerned.
  15. Actions that use or disclose the Blog’s information without the Company’s consent, either personally or through third parties.
  16. Actions aimed at solicitation, such as endless chain schemes, chain emails, MLM (multi-level marketing), lead emails, and the like.
  17. Actions that overload the servers beyond normal usage, impede the operation of the Blog, or damage the Company’s reputation.
  18. Any other actions that the Company reasonably deems inappropriate.

Ownership of Rights

All rights to patents, utility model rights, design rights, copyrights (including rights defined in Article 27 and Article 28 of the Copyright Act), trademark rights, and any other rights related to inventions, designs, creations, copyrighted works, trademarks, trade names, and other items that display products used in business activities or services, and technical or business information that is useful in business activities (hereinafter collectively referred to as ‘Content’) that constitute this Blog, belong to the Company or to third parties who have licensed the rights to the Company.

The Company prohibits users from engaging in any acts, including but not limited to unauthorized duplication, transmission, adaptation, or modification of the Content, except where such acts are permitted by law.

When quoting or reprinting the Content, users must do so in a manner that complies with fair practices, including but not limited to clearly indicating the source as the Blog URL and citing it appropriately at the destination of the quote or reprint, within the legitimate scope of the purpose of the quote or reprint.

Applicable Law and Exclusive Jurisdiction

  1. This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with Japanese law.
  2. Any litigation or legal proceedings arising from or related to this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the location of the Company’s headquarters as the court of first instance.

Terms of Use Revision History

September 23, 2023 – Enacted